Silver Level Actors
Silver-Level actors have an in-class opportunity to learn and practice the art of self-critiquing with the help of a Teacher’s Assistant. You will be taught to apply the day’s lesson to your own audition tape. Based on Crystal's breakdown, explanation, script analysis, and watching the other actor’s tapes, which Crystal will use to demonstrate how to evaluate your own tape, you’ll learn EXACTLY what to look for to self-critique each day’s audition. Let me explain…
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The Silver-Level actor receives the same audition material as those who are critiqued in front of the class. To be clear, each day everyone gets the same sides…this way you are never watching/listening to Crystal talk to other actors about some other scene…everything she says will pertain to YOU and the audition material that you are doing. Plus, you get to see how other people interpreted the material…as if you were peaking into the casting office and seeing what they see - very insightful!
Everyone gets put on tape. As Crystal puts the 12 critiqued actors on tape, the silver-level actors are put on tape by a teacher’s assistance (TA). — Should you choose to not have your audition taped, then you may be a reader for those who do. (Actors can learn a lot about auditioning when they sit on the other side of the camera.)
After this, Crystal will break down your sides, and, as a class, you'll learn to do the script analysis of each day's material. Crystal uses the Critiqued actor's tapes to demonstrate her method for you. Most likely, you will "see yourself" in the work of the 12 actors whose critiques you'll be viewing.
After learning exactly what to look in your own audition, you’ll follow your TA to a space to watch your own audition playbacks one-at-a-time, and you’ll apply what you just learned to your own work. (A class TA will comment on your work only if you desire such.)
Actors consistently tell us that after attending class as a Silver Level student, that, based on Crystal's breakdown, explanation, script analysis, and watching the other actors critiques, they knew EXACTLY how to self-critique each day’s audition. They were "crystal clear" on which of their choices were strong, which choices could have been better, and which choices to make in the future so they could improve.
In Atlanta - Sign up here - return to pare
In Los Angeles - Sign up here - return to page
Silver Level actors who discover that they would, in fact, like Crystal to critique one or all 3 of their scenes, may choose to have Crystal do so. For a small fee - SEE DROP DOWN MENU BELOW, Crystal will make time to critique your tape either at the end of the day or at a later time. ($40 per taped audition.) A Silver Level actor can choose to have Crystal critique their tapes at the time of registering OR at any point before the end of each day's class. (Just ask your TA.)
If you’re all signed up and would like to add one or more critique(s) of your class tape from Crystal, use the PayPal button below.
* Minimum Age 18 yrs for Auditioning By Heart (Certain exceptions apply, please inquire)