Dream it 〰️ Do it
Dream it 〰️ Do it 〰️
Auditioning by Heart
6-week Online Virtual Masterclasses
Series One (6 sessions) and Series Two (6 sessions) Now Available!
Each virtual on-camera class will teach professional actors how to organically prepare for film and television auditions within a short time-frame. Actors receive new sides prior to each class.
There are 2 series of classes; each 6 classes in length. Sign up one-class-at-a-time or sign up for a 6-class series, or sign up for both series (12 classes)! — USE PAYPAL DROP-DOWN MENU BELOW FOR PRICES.
They are the same technique explained a bit more in each video and using different words, with different scripts, using different examples. Some of the genres will be repeated and some with be new.
"Auditioning by Heart" is a deep exploration of how to create a character's life from the truth through history homework. It is practical, not theoretical, and aims to equip you with all the skills and expertise you need to become dynamic and courageous at your auditions. The training is very much student-centered, giving time for individual attention.
This online class will empower you to
Rid Nerves
Know Your Lines “by Heart”
Live Truthfully Through the Life of the Character
Highlight Your Acting Abilities
Improve Booking Rates
Each of the 2 Masterclass Sessions contains 6 classes with 6 lectures (around 2 hours each). For each lecture, actors will receive NEW audition material to put on tape. Crystal will provide a complete script analysis and character breakdown for each genre of material you are given. Watch the “lecture” on video after you tape yourself and send it in to us.
The virtual participant will also watch between 10 and 12 actors from the LA Masterclasses have the same material you taped, critiqued during the original LIVE class. Their tapes will be used to demonstrate for you, clear examples of things discussed in Crystal's lecture.
Now, inspired by these new ideas…tape again! Send your audition to Crystal (Actors participating in the virtual masterclass, you also have the option to have your tapes critiqued by Crystal over Skype at the cost of $40 per audition tape*).
This comprehensive course tackles the most common genres in film and television through a total of 12 lessons that prepare an actor for any possible audition they may receive in pilot season, or anytime really. Gain the knowledge to make strong choices and avoid the pitfalls in each.
Need a READER for your Self Tape?
Go to Facebook group “Rehearsal and self to partners for Actors”
Then go to the App Store (or wherever you get apps for your phone) and get Actor trade appWhen you’re ready to tape, go on that Facebook group and announce that you need a reader. People will volunteer to meet you on the Actor Trade app. - it has a place for you to upload sides so they can read with you.
(You may have to borrow somebody’s phone if you’re recording yourself using your phone)
A sample of a virtual masterclass!
Here is how it works:
The Student is granted access to a private group where they will download all materials needed to prepare for class. (Homework template, Sides etc.)
STEP 1. Prepare the audition sides and put yourself on tape as you would with an actual audition. Send it in.
STEP 2. Watch the lesson corresponding with that week’s audition sides and follow the lesson as Crystal prepares the audition with the class in the video lecture.
STEP 3. Watch Crystal breakdown each actors’ audition tape from the LA class and compare notes to your own audition tape.
STEP 4. (optional) Retape. And have Crystal review your audition tape and give you personalized feedback (for a small fee)
Sign up NOW at this very CORONAVIRUS 1/2 off special price (for a limited time.) Use Drop Down Menu to purchase entire series OR just one class at a time.
Get one-on-one personal time over Skype or FaceTime to discuss your audition:
Local LA Masterclass Participant
Kelly Thiebaud - Actress,Station 12, General Hospital, Hostel: Part lll, Raze
Email from Virtual Masterclass participant Actress Kate Schettler.